Saturday, August 18, 2012

Some planned features...

I am thinking all the time about new features to implement,

well here's my personal (wish) list:

Online Mode

This is the biggest planned feature, where up to 16 players can live together in a single town,

so a player can invite up to 15 players to live in his/her town,

but of course the online mode will be optionial you can continue playing as a single-player.

Character Creation Menu

Not really sure, but I think most players, and myself included, would prefer a menu,

rather than the dialogue-based system.

Furniture Creator

Not only pattern and color, but building new furniture from scratch, with modular presets,
this should be done by the upholsterer/carpenter shop.

Interactive Furniture/Room Decoration 

(e.g. Pool Billard, Consoles & Arcade Cabinets with playable mini-games)

Clothing Designer

Including a shirt, pants, shoes & hat designer.

This is just a brief list, more features to come,

why not write your personal wishes and requests on the comment section below?! :)

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