Saturday, August 4, 2012

Animal Crossing PC Project

Hello everyone! :)

I have decided a couple of days ago to start a new
(Well actually my first... :p) solo video game project,
which I would like to share its development process
with you guys here on this Blog.

Without much thinking
I decided to make an Animal Crossing game for the PC,
this has been one of my biggest wishes since years now,
it's a non-profit fan-game project,
it's not intended to be a commercial game by any means.

All rights belong to their respective owners,

in this case Nintendo,
no copyright infringement intended,
I hope Nintendo will rather see this as a tribute to Animal Crossing.

Also this game will not make use of any of the assets from the original games,
everything will be created by myself.

It won't necessarily be a "clone", building on the original concept,
but implementing additional new game-play, features, and story, which I will reveal later on.

If you have any question and/or suggestion don't hesitate to leave a comment. :)


  1. Hey I think your Animal Crossing PC is such a cool idea! 
    I also, have ideas of my own for your game. I even drew a box art for the game
    I'd like to show you when I get the chance. What is your game going to be called? My box art was called Animal Crossing Live Life. 

    My ideas for Animal Crossing PC

    I like the swimming feature on Animal Crossing Jump Out but, I think if you wanted to do the swimming feature it might be pretty sweet if you could do junp off the dock 
    and do tricks before you hit the water.

    Another thing is that you could have some new species of insects.

    It would be really COOL if there are hot air balloons and parachutes!

    And those are just some of my ideas for your game.
    Your Friend,  Ethan

  2. Hello Ethan, thanks for the kind words mate!

    Well the game is actually intended fo you guys, the community,
    so it won't be only mine! ;)

    I hope to release the project as open-souce,
    when a serious amount of development has been made,
    and something fun and playable emerges out of it,

    so all you programmers and artists out there could easily implement your own stuff.

    Thanks alot for the effort, I really appreciate it,
    well, the actual code-name of the project is:

    "Animal Crossing: Frontiers"

    It's just a working title at the moment, but well,
    we might keep it, you guys decide, AC: Live Life,
    ain't so bad either. :)

    And don't hesitate posting your cover, I really want to see it. :)

    Yep, swimming is pretty awesome, I wish to implement all the new features coming in Jump Out, so,
    swimming will be definetly there.

    Diving tricks sound pretty fun as well, something like a connonball jump would be awesome indeed,

    I'll definetly put it in my "To-Do" list :p.

    New kinds of fish and insects, guaranteed, along with new furniture,

    you guys could really help out, with drawings and paintings of those,

    let your creativity out, I'd gladly model and implement them,

    as I said I want it to be a community-driven thing. :)

    Parachute jumping from hot-air balloons? Extreme sports eh? :P

    We'll see, sounds kinda fun, there might be some technichal obstacles though,
    but I'll see what I can do. :)

    Keep'em coming them ideas, don't hesitate to comment again. :)

    - Thanks for the comment! :) LB

  3. Thank you so much, by the way do you have an email address?

    Your pal Ethan

  4. Just started searching for an animal crossing game for pc as thats all ive got. when is this project expected to be out?

  5. Since this has been a craving of yours for years, I'm guessing you've searched high and low for the best replication of the feeling that the original animal crossing game gave. What's the closest you've come, aside from of course console emulation? I'm looking for anything similar.

    On a different note, do you have a paypal address?
